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Are you wondering if Physical Therapy is right for you and worried if it will actually work for the pain you have. Maybe you tried Physical Therapy in the past and had a bad experience, and don’t want to make the same mistake again, or maybe you just want to get a good second opinion about what to do for the pain. 

If any of that sounds like you, then be confident in knowing that the educational classes here at The Fit Institute are perfect for someone like you. Here’s who will benefit from these educational Free Workshops: 

● If you are taking pain medication and you take don’t seem to think it is making a difference 

● You had surgery in the past – but the recovery you were hoping for, never arrived 

● You’ve been told by your Doctor that “nothing can be done” and you should just “rest” or “take pills” 

● You suffer from repeat migraines and headaches 

● You struggle to turn your neck far enough even to look over your shoulder, or reach above your head without shoulder pain. 

● You’re afraid that your shoulder pain (and quality of life) will get worse if you don’t do something about it soon 

What to expect from the workshop classes 

● You will be in the same room with like minded people who want to figure out the best way to get rid of their shoulder pain without taking pain medication. 

● We at The Fit Institute will get a chance to find out all about you, your main concerns, and answer all your questions regarding your pain. 

● We will give you the best information you need to find out what the best treatment for your shoulder will be. 

● You will learn what brought on your shoulder pain and what the best way to get rid of it is. 

● You will learn what some of the common causes of your shoulder pain are.

● You will learn why you have been suffering with shoulder pain for so long and how you can stop it from getting worse.

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